Help! Diarrhea and acting odd

If they can have goat dewormer, could they have cattle or equine dewormer?  Does it make a difference?

You can you the liquid or paste that's labeled for goats, cattle or horses. Doesn't matter as long as it says Fenbendazole 10%, Fenbendazole 100mg/ml or Fenbendazole 100mg/gram. All can be used on any animal, including poultry. Safeguard, Panacur or generic, it doesn't matter...

Ok thank you so much
I really hope this works, I will get safeguard ASAP! One more thing, how long do they need to be treated with safeguard?
Ok thank you so much :D   I really hope this works, I will get safeguard ASAP!  One more thing, how long do they need to be treated with safeguard?

I treat for 5 days at 0.23ml per pound orally. An average sized Rhode Island Red hen would get 1.5ml orally.

Thanks, I'll treat them for 5 days then. I've just now noticed this but my sick one has been standing there puffed out, it seems her neck feathers were puffed out the most. Any ideas what that means? I just noticed it.

This was tonight's deposit before heading to bed. The outline is about where the water was out to. Weighed her again 3.8lbs.
On another note, my BSL Maggie laid her first egg yesterday!!! I didn't even see it but there were two in the box tonight. That's her in my profile pick. She replaced what I thought was a barred rock hen who was actually a cuckoo maran rooster.
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This was today the third day of safeguard and the sixth day of corid. Pretty safe to say neither is working. Guess I'm looking for a chicken vet tomorrow. My sister in law is a tech at the animal shelter but the mainly just do cats and dogs. Not sure if they are a hospital or not.
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Kelli Michelle and 11mini, do you have an update on your birds? Mine has the same exact looking diarrhea. I took her to the Vet today (she has had the diarrhea at least 7 days). The vet didn't know. Said she might be egg bound, to look for an egg in the morning to see if she lays it as there is one in there. if she doesn't lay it I have to bring her back by noon and they'll do an x-ray and if she is egg bound get the egg out. I really don't think that is the case? so wondering how your ladies are doing before I spend another 100 plus bucks for an "I don't know". Have your girls recovered?
Mine still has some odd poo, not as watery as before. She has started gaining weight again and new feathers are coming in well. I am starting to think there was not really a problem, just a combination of factors, weather change, molt, new bird introduced and also a feed change all within a month. She has not restarted laying, but from what I read about most diseases/etc. she would be dead by now if there was an actual issue.

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