Help dog bit a hole in 33 days along muscovy egg

Should I cover the hole with anything. Not sure that it is moving now. :(

For any chance of survival you have to cover the hole, bacteria will get in it and depending on if it's seeping any yolk there wouldn't be a chance of survival, however if there's just a little bit of blood not worry it's still a possibility it can make it. But if it's bleeding a lot, there isn't. Best thing is to apply pressure get the blood to stop if it hasn't already and cover that hole, you have to get it out from under neath mommy, the shell is weak and chances are it will get swooshed. Not on purpose by accident because mommy knows it's not time yet and will continue to keep all her weight on that shell..

Get a cotton ball and apply tape, or candle wax it excellent use what you have to cover that hole..
Ok, so put a cotton ball on there and then tape.. Next problem I do not have an incubator so how do I keep it warm. I have a heating pad?
He got it close to the air cell which is really good, consider this your early safe hole. lol he probably broke one of the smaller veins that's why there was t much blood. But you have to cover it, there's quit a few holes so you'll have to cover all of them, gauze would work, not toilet paper or paper towels, need something thicker..
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Ok put it under the mommy, place the egg toward her chest or towards her tail. I believe there's less weight that way.. But you best bet is to make the nest deeper and set it in the deepest part of the nest so that she doesn't completely lay on it and have the other eggs around it so she puts ALLL her weight on the other eggs but still be able to keep that one warm..

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