HELP - Droopy, sleeping chick

We just got her yesterday and she was the perkiest of the bunch. Started getting sleepy last night and now she sleeps all the time except when we wake her to administer sugar water. I have 5 chicks total in a brooder and have not been exposed to other chickens, they are on medicated feed, so not sure about cocci.
Well, I lost 8 of 9 show quality White Rocks I hatched in late May to cocci. They were NEVER on the ground, nor exposed to other birds.

Signs/symptoms include lethargy, droopiness, most often bloody stool. Watch them closely as I learned a really hard lesson

Also, might try some vitamins (poly vi sol type, WITHOUT iron, like you would give an infant) and you can also try Pedialyte (its better than sugar water, get the unflavored type)

Let me know how things go

BTW - where in Ga are you?

Good luck!!
Yard full o' rocks - will keep an eye for bloody diarreah and will get pedialyte. I do have medication for cocci that I have used for peafowl, young chickens and goats - I wonder if I should give her some - you had cocci with very young chicks? I was not aware they could get the cocci until they were introduced to the 'environment' - learn a new thing every day!

We are in Dawsonville - not too far from Cartersville!
I also lost some chicks this Spring from cocci... didn't realize what was happening til it was too late for many. Some get sick, some recover.. it's a horrible condition that can throw you off if you aren't familiar with. Get familiar real quick cause Im pretty sure that's the problem. Treat all of them.
I use CORID to treat mine. Full strength for 5 days (5ml to one gallon of water), 5 days at 1/2 strength, 5 days at 1/3 strength....all at the recommendation of one of our State Vets, Dr John Bohanan.

If you need to try reaching him his number is 706-278-7306 (office), cell 770-893-8343

He has been an avian vet since the 1960s....nice guy, seems to know his stuff!!

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