Help Emergency!!! Hen pooping straight blood

I also just gave her a 1/3 of a monistat suppository to see if that will help her squishy crop
She's in a heated garage set up under the heater, and she has been drinking some but not a not
Inundation acquired
Hope you get it solved and she recovers well OP!
Thanks, but so far no improvement. We're trying everything we know but nothing seems to be helping.
If she we're mine I would worm with Safeguard liquid for goats, not the pellets, and the dose I would give is 0.23ml per pound for five days. I would also treat with Corid. When mine are sick they never drink enough, so I would tube the Corid water to her at 15ml per pound, repeat in 60-90 minutes, then again every 4-6 hours as long as her crop was clearing. If you want to learn how to tube, read the tube feeding link in my sig, then go get 18" of aquarium air line and Kaytee Baby Bird food from Petsmart and a 60ml syringe from Tractor Supply. Once you have your supplies, snd me a PM and I will reply with my number and teach you how.

The pelleted wormer you used was probably ineffective, and unless she drank lots of the Corid water, that was also ineffective.

I've tubed her already, we have a small rubber tube that we used to put mineral oil down her last week before she got worse. She's been very lethargic an barely moves at all. Her comb is still flopped over an looks terrible.

So far today we've soaked her in a warm bath for 30 min, which she seemed to like, and blow dried her. Then we examined her cloaca opening and lubricated it and gave her a tums tablet mixed in water, which we tubed her for. She also got a little Greek yogurt after that. She's still pooping mostly liquid and blood that smells absolutely terrible and her crop smells sour too, which we're trying the monistat suppository for that. She's still standing like a penguin and sleeping a lot. We also have her under a heat lamp to keep her warm.

As for the exam we couldn't feel an egg, it was like hitting a wall and we could only go so far. We applied a little preparation H around it to see if it would help. The glove smelled terrible after we were done.

We are still putting corid in her water, but stopped the dewormer pellets to see if we can get things to pass first.

Any other ideas to try? I'm desperate at this point.
Well she's still alive this morning. Overnight she pooped out some slightly harder feces that were a little fibery, but there was still some blood. She's still pretty lethargic but I saw her drink a little water. I think we're going to get her out and check her crop, maybe tube some water and mineral oil down her. I don't know if I should try the tums tablet again or give her another piece of monistat. I'm also torn on whether to keep feeding her plain yogurt or see if she wants some scrambled eggs. Still very frustrated, I was hoping to see improvement this morning.

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