Help!!! found this baby hiding under my truck.... not sure if its a turkey or chicken, or if its a w

This may sound weird, but to me it looks like a vulture! I don't know if young vultures are white or anything. Maybe a hawk attacked it, and carried it off to your place. I don't know, just brainstorming here!
What are you feeding the poor thing? How much water does it drink every day?

Sure looks like you should check it carefully for mites and lice. Does the poop look normal? Or loose? Watery? What is body condition like? Thin? Normal?
Thanks for posting shot. Does it `peep' at you? Looks like swelling is going to take another week to resolve completely.
just googled baby vulture....definitely not what I have here! Man I thought I wasn't gonna have to pay for garbage pickup
I just looked up a picture of a baby vulture- that's not what it is. It's way too small and the head is nowhere near the same. It's a really interesting looking bird though!

I did this too
ive been feeding it chick starter, that's what I have on hand along with the occasional tomato, it drinks about 1 cup a day. Its already been checked for mites and lice, poop is normal and so is body condition. swelling has gone down tremendously over the past week but its still a little puffy in areas.

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