Help!!! found this baby hiding under my truck.... not sure if its a turkey or chicken, or if its a w

I want to know how this turns out!
I, personally, just think it's missing feathers and that's making its beak look so long. Kinda like a receding hairline makes your forehead look bigger.
I think it's a midget white turkey!

(shamelessly stolen from Ruralpearls)

Edit: I forgot it has a very chicken like comb. I just got over excited when I saw this picture..... :)
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Cross referencing sites (most seem to be specifically for parrots but the information is still relevant) and they all recommend flushing the eye often with either straight water or using a preservative-free contact saline solution. One mentions using a steroid free triple antibiotic ointment. I'm wondering if, after flushing it, you can use the ointment, cover the eye with sterile gauze and wrap vet wrap to hold it in place. A chicken with an eye patch! I know she probably wouldn't like it and will be determined to get it off but it would certainly take her longer to scratch off the vet wrap than it does to have direct access to her eye and continuously scratch it while it's trying to heal.

Here are just a few:

All the sites I looked over also said to take the bird to the vet...especially if it's an injury to the lid as the lower lid can adhere to the bone. You may want to contact an aviary vet for some more information.
Taking her to a vet specializing in avian medicine is probably a good idea. If you're not sure where to take her, a regular vet in your area can refer you to someone who either specializes or at least sees birds. The cost may be more reasonable than expected.

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