Help!!! found this baby hiding under my truck.... not sure if its a turkey or chicken, or if its a w

I'd agree with the 'spraddle leg' hobble idea.....if you use something like micropore tape and stick it back to itself, it shouldn't be too much of a pecking problem. You may have to replace it regularly but at least it will give the eye a chance to heal.
I like Nuggetirl's idea of a white midget turkey. Here's a picture of a white midget turkey poult I found on Google-


But yours has a comb, not a little nub as I call it. Hmm.
I haven't finished reading the thread yet so Im not sure if anyone has suggested this as an ID but I wonder if it is possible that this bird is a chicken guinea hybrid. It does somewhat resemble some I have seen. This cross is possible though the offspring are sterile.
I haven't finished reading the thread yet so Im not sure if anyone has suggested this as an ID but I wonder if it is possible that this bird is a chicken guinea hybrid. It does somewhat resemble some I have seen. This cross is possible though the offspring are sterile.

Someone posted that already but thanks for adding in :)

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