HELP - found wild turkey chick, what to do??

Sounds to me horsecrazy didnt pick up the bird in the first place and the damage is already done. Dont give horsecrazy a hard time, horse knows better for next time.

That said, my turkeys LOVE grapes. Try putting one in there and see if that doesnt entice the little fella to start eating.
I would consider taking this poult back to the woods where it came from and leaving it. If it's mother is still in the area she will hear it calling for her. That is it's best chance of survival.
I once watched a duck gather up 2 of its 5 ducklings and swim away with them, leaving the others behind. Being on a river I couldnt reach teh abandoned ducklings so I watched them, waiting for mama to return. 4 hours later and dark and she never came back. The little-uns peeped for her the entire time.

Sometimes wild creatures are just %$"& mothers
and if she went into a school yard she doesnt sound the sharpest tack in the box.

Keep the chick warm, if you can find it some companions, feed it whatever it will eat for you. As its a wild one, you might try some wild type food or put some grass bits onto the food. Try to find a rehab place but if not, just do the best you can and if it dies dont blame yourself:hugs the odds are so against you but sometimes they live

If they didnt we wouldnt have domestic ones, would we
How is the baby turkey doing? Has it thrived? Did you get it some buddies? I was going to say you might go to the feed store and buy a couple chick or turkey friends for it.
Having rescued many baby animals of all sorts I was expecting that, Never mind
you did your best!

They dont half break your heart though, do they
Hi Gang,

This evening not 20 mins. or so ago I came out to water the garden and check my chicks (2 mos. old) and noticed a tiny chick of some kind all fluff no feathers over by my chick pen. I looked around as it was peeping very loudly and saw no other chicks or a mother of any kind, it seemed to want to be with my chicks so stupidly as the nurturer that I am I picked the lil thing up. I was set and determined to care for it so I got on the computer and found this post. I immediately let the lil one go. Now I'm sitting here writing this post and listening to it peep and peep between my acreage and my neighbors. I feel like crying. How long should I let it stay and peep, should I rescue it and let it go in the morning? We've been seeing a Turkey Hen lately so I'm guessing it's a Turkey Chick that got confused by my chicks peeping and got separated from it's Momma. Oh I feel so terrible for the lil thing...... any suggestions?!?!

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