Help guessing what sex and breeds?


Aug 8, 2015
Hi everyone, First time chicken owner here. Been doing lots of research on the site and what not.
One week ago i bought 12 "heritage cross" chickens from a lady,They were ranging in ages from 5 weeks to 9 weeks. So they should all be at 6-10 weeks now. I used my old ice fishing shack and turned it into the new chicken coop. I also fenced in a 8x12 Run with 7' of height.
I have 6 older ones and 6 younger ones. they all get along good. I built some diy feeders i seen on here. work great!
anyways im attaching pictures. Please let me know your guess. These guys are hard to take pictures of they always get distracted by something haha. There is only one big orange one. He gets in every picture. i call him ron jeremy because i believe hes a rooster .
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I'm pretty new to chickens as well, but I'm pretty good at guessing gender and ok at breeds so here's what I think...

1. Gold Laced Wyandotte Pullet in front, Easter Egger (?) in middle and Easter Egger in back. The one in back looks like one of my easter eggers so I'm pretty sure that's what she is but not sure about the middle one. I think all girls. Below is a picture of my easter egger.

2. The small black and white one looks to me like dominique but I could be completely wrong on that guess. I think female, but a little too early to tell on gender. The black ones look like black australorps. The one in front is male, the one in back is female. Not sure about the grey one breed, but think female.

3. Again the black&white one looks dominique, black ones are australorps. Not sure about grey one. The two brown & black ones look like barnyard mixes (??) or miscolored golden laced wyandottes or easter eggers...any help on these?

4. The orange one is male, not sure on breed. The one closest to the stick is easter egger, female. The other two are golden laced wyandottes I believe.

5. Again you've got golden laced wyandottes, easter eggers, australorps, and the orange one (idk what breed). Only 2 males in this photo...the orange one and the large black one.

6. Easter egger pullet closest to camera. Golden laced wyandotte pullet to the left of it. Black australorp & orange mystery breed cockerels behind them. I believe another easter egger female behind the boys. Can't tell on the rest of the chickens.

7. That little orange guy looks to me like a boy because of it's comb development, but could be wrong. Two black australorps. I don't know on the grey one but maybe a blue marans (????)

8. Can't tell on gender on the one in front. One closest to the fence looks golden laced wyandotte. Not sure on the one all the way to the right and the orange on on the left is the boy I think.

Hope I helped. Let's hope someone else with more expirience answers.
Hey thanks so much I suspected the big orange one and the big black one were males. The orange one has been trying to crow but he doesn't seem very good haha
Haha yeah it's funny watching them learn to crow. My first rooster, Arnold, started trying to crow at just 6 weeks old. He was no good but it was adorable. He and his hatch mate Penny got attacked by a raccoon though so they aren't here today but I loved the expirience of having a rooster.

Are you going to keep them? Remember that you should have a ratio of at least 8-10 hens per rooster or your hens could get mated too often and injured. If you don't have enough hens, you should consider only keeping one of your roosters :)
At what age do they start breeding? I'd like to possibly keep one, But the others gotta go.
I will more then likely butcher some of the boys but I'd like them as big as possible.
I don't know the exact age they begin breeding but I assume when they start laying eggs. Roosters protect the flock. Today one of my older hens and a newer girl got in a huge fight and my rooster broke up the fight and stood over the injured hen on guard.

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