help- I accidentally slammed the door on my hens head :(


9 Years
Jul 27, 2010
Cornish NH
the door to my coop is hard to latch due to swelling, so i have to give is a pretty good slam to get it to latch and a hen tried to squeeze through right as i closed it. her beak has a crack in in and there is a little blood coming out of her nose and she threw up (or whatever its called when a chicken throws up food) I caught her and put her in a separate cage, and she is pacing around it trying to get out, and i feel so bad. like beyond bad for her. what can i do about her cracked beak? oh man i feel awful :(

she is acting fine now. just trying to get out of the isolation pen. she has drank some water so her beak is cleaned off a bit and the only damage i see is the crack or chip in her beak.
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I have heard that you can use acrylic to mend cracks/ splits in beaks but I'm not sure how easy that would be to do and even if she would let you.
I'm not quite sure where the crack is but the main thing is whether she can eat and drink. I understand she's drank so fingers crossed she can eat too.
The split should 'grow out' depending where it is.
She might need a little pain killer. You can give infants pain killer but avoid anything ending in Caine or Cain.
Maybe a topical antibiotic or antiseptic if you think it needs it once it's clean.

Hope she's ok and don't feel bad - these things happen x
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She looks so much better this morning. If i hadn't seen the beak crack up close yesterday I wouldn't have even known it was there. it is in the back half of her beak and is like an elongated "U" shape, but all attached to the beak still so I think it will be ok I put a little swab of super glue on it anyways and popped her back in the coop and she instantly butted my broody out of her nest and laid an egg and then went to forage so I think she is ok. It was just so scary- I literally saw her head get smashed and her beak all twisted so I am amazed she is ok. thanks for calming me down lol

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