HELP!!! Intestines (?) is coming out from butt!!

This happened to my little black bantam bok bok.
we were new to having chickens and didnt have a clue what had happened. So it was too late to fix once we had found out:'(
take her to the vets and they can help. Good luck!
this is my first time having this happen to one of my chickens. im on my second year of chickens. this blog saved her life. her name is Rosie, and she is a buff orpington. im so sorry about bok bok!
thanks everyone!
This happened to my little black bantam bok bok.
we were new to having chickens and didnt have a clue what had happened. So it was too late to fix once we had found out:'(
take her to the vets and they can help. Good luck!
this is my first time having this happen to one of my chickens. im on my second year of chickens. this blog saved her life. her name is Rosie, and she is a buff orpington. im so sorry about bok bok!
thanks everyone!
so sorry...that does seem to be the outcome eventually from many of these was our outcome 2 months later as well after two bouts. You tried though and that is what matters

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