Help me ID these TSC chicks?


10 Years
Mar 26, 2010
Atwater, CA
Could someone be so kind as to give me a hand identifying this chick? I talked Tractor Supply into letting me buy just two chicks last night, on the premise that my husband wouldn't notice two more in the brooder while he definitely would notice six. I came clean to him anyway, but the girls at the counter were happy to let me take two of these home from the mixed pullet bin. I've been browsing this section since last night and haven't seen anything very close to them. They're both remarkably similar, except one has a bit of a tail and the other doesn't. Their feet aren't feathered and are kind of a skin tone, not yellow or olive.

This is the best picture:


Thank you!
It does kind of look like my silver sebright when she was little. I can't remember what color her legs were when she was a chick but now they are grayish blue
I didn't think to ask what hatchery they're using. I've sort of self-grounded myself from Tractor Supply for now, in the interest of marital harmony. He's only at the eye-rolly stage just yet, but I don't want to scare the poor man!
Ha ha ha. I know the feeling. Just call and ask them what hatchery the chicks are from. Then check the website to see what breeds they have. You can at least narrow it down that way.

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