Help me idetify this please! People into Anatomy Needed!

Ok, looks like the pelvic girdle area of a small mammal. I think it was female and due to the narrow opening of the pelvic outlet it gave live birth. Other than that, you're on your own. The ridges of bone held musculature materials.
Seriously? A pelvic bone? Here Ie been thinking for the past year it was a skull with the bottom jaw gone from the sockets.

Oh yeah, I aced anatomy!

Bio major/teacher....bird pelvis Google image and you can see!
of course!
Okay, I'm slow and dizzy and just found this thread...
It's a pelvis, but has anyone thought it might be reptilian? (after all, chickens are descendants of reptiles, right? T-rex?
) Just a thought.
I sent this post to my nephew, Steven Dobey, who works with the Kentucky Wildlife Dept. He has worked with black bear studies all over the south and has degrees out the yin yang. He also has a radio show on saturday mornings. He says it is a pelvis bone, probably a dog or other canine. I would have gone with the Klingon skull, though it DID look alot like a wild boar!!!

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