Help! My Hen is sick!!!

How do I get that in her mouth?!?
I would dissolve it in a small amount of water and give a portion of it to her with a syringe if she's not eating and if you are comfortable with doing that. you could also grind up a tum or human calcium tablet and sprinkle it on her feed. But it doesn't sound like she'll be interested in feed.
Kinda does sound like something shocked/traumatized her, maybe?

Warmth and seclusion would be good until you can figure out the issue. Check her over for hidden wounds.

Feel her crop now, and again in the morning. It should be empty/flat in the morning before she eats.

If you could weigh her, that would be great too, for monitoring her progress later.

I wouldn't force too much water or food just yet. Observations needed to figure out what's wrong first.
Her poop is watery clear and white. When I bathed her I didn’t feel her vent area but I did feel her abdomen and back end externally and she seemed soft. Nothing hard or odd.

She is not drinking on her own but before I locked up for the night she was pecking on the ground. That is an improvement.

When I look at her she seems tense or uncomfortable.
I would dissolve it in a small amount of water and give a portion of it to her with a syringe if she's not eating and if you are comfortable with doing that. you could also grind up a tum or human calcium tablet and sprinkle it on her feed. But it doesn't sound like she'll be interested in feed.

I was going to add that if you have an electrolyte/vitamin solution that has calcium in it, you may not have to give a tums/calcium pill.

An electrolyte/vitamin mix is a good idea, it will give supportive energy with vitamins etc while she's not interested in food. I will start a chicken in that condition on an electrolyte.
I do it a bit differently that WVduckchick...we have a different style of managing this situation I It's probably different due to our different experiences. :)
The white poo could be a sign of dehydration, so maybe getting some water in her is the best move. :confused:
I'm a little more conservative until I get a better idea of the issue, so I'll just follow along now... :)

I do hope she is much perkier in the morning. :fl
Get a measuring cup. Put the tums in it and mash it up with some propel water or Gatorade and then see if you can get her to drink that....or hold a spoon to her beak with that mixture.
I would put this mixture with in her reach and leave her be. Wake up a little early and see how she's doing then. Get the Nutri Drench tomorrow. She is either going to get better or not. There is only so much you can do right now... So try not to worry too much.
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