HELP - NOT Vent Prolapse! Pics!!! Update!


10 Years
Jun 29, 2009

Help me!!! I went out this afternoon to find one of my hens bleeding badly. She is torn on the rear. My first thought was that she had a egg stuck from what I saw but I felt it and it feels like a soft sac. She has a huge section of torn skin. I found a bloody egg in the coop that was a little larger than usual - not a lot.
I don't know what to do. The other hens are pecking at her. It's going to be dark soon so I'm hoping they'll leave her alone. I don't have any means of seperating her from the others since it's so cold outside.
Any ideas would really help.
She is about 10 months old.
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Oh my, that looks awful. I don;t know what to do for her poor little butt but i do know you need to separate her immediately. My hen was roughed up today by a playful dog and we brought her in right away, the older, meaner hens immediately started on her. They will really hurt her if you dont get her apart from them.
I went and checked on her and it seems to be closing up a little bit. I'm wondering if I should bring her inside and wash the area with warm water and then try putting some sugar on the area. A lot of posts talk about that with a prolapsed vent. I'm not sure if that's what this is but I'm willing to give it a try. Any advice on this? Thanks.
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I went and checked on her and she is laying very still, and seems really puffy looking. She finally stood up and it looks like the bleeding has slowed a little bit but the mass seems to be larger and coming out a little more. I feel really awful about this and wish their was something I could do to help her.
She needs to be brought inside, kept warm. Do you have any plain neosporin? The kind without pain reliever in it? I would cover the wound with that. Clean the wound with warm water. You can use just warm water and then a diluted iodine solution on it. Once the bleeding has completly stopped, you can give her 5 325mg aspirin mixed in a gal. of water for pain. Keep her eating and drinking. Offer her treats like yogurt, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs. She is in pain and the aspirin will help but only once the bleeding has stopped. Keeping her warm will do wonders too.

If you think it is prolapsed, push the prolapsed area back in and you can slather it with hemoroid cream (as long as it does not contain pain relievers, not good for chickens).

Keeping her in a warm, dry, dark environment will help delay the egg laying process too. She doesn't need to lay another right now if you can help it
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There are some really good pics of a prolapsed vent under "I had to euthanize a chicken today" thread. If it looks lie that ust do what others have suggested. You put the sugar on and push it all back in. Keep her warm and quiet and away from other hens, It might happen again as did the other poster's. Not a good thing to happen but there is hope. Terri O
If you wash the area, use cool/cold water... warm water, although nice, wouldn't help. The cold with help it contract a little bit.

If there is anything hanging out you will need to manually push it back in. You might have to do that more than once, you might also need to clear out any poop and junk in there.

GOod luck, its a nasty job but it has to be done, keep her in a dark enclosed space so she won't try lay any eggs for a while.
Nothing is actually hanging out. It's more like a buldge that is protruding wear the tear is. It's really soft. Not sure that it would push back in. I'm amazed at how fast this can all happen. She was perfectly fine this morning.

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