Help, Please!

Be happy! The egg is developing perfectly! The gray splotches just might be thinner parts on the membraine that end up kind of "revealing" the chick inside. If you're still worried, try watching for movement or putting the eggs in a bucket of warm water, around 90f degrees I believe. If the eggs float and maybe bob up and down, they're healthy! If they sink then they're probably dead. Just be very careful with the water, it can shock the egg and kill the duckling inside which is why I don't recommend using the water. I hope this helped! :D
That egg is developed nicely. The dark part is the embryo and it will fill the space where you can now see veins until the only clear spot is the air sac. Keep the egg at a temperature of around 99*F and humidity of 40%. The air cell looks a bit small, but the embryo still has some way to grow, so it has time to expand in there. Good luck and keep us posted!
So far, not much change in the egg. I'd just like to clarify for everyone that the candling picture was not my own, but one that looked basically the same as my egg. Sorry about that! In reality, the air sack is about double the size. I'll keep you guys posted! Thanks for all of your help :)
Update: the duckling seems to have gone to one side, and I'm noticing a strip of darkness under part of it when candled. The veins are still there. I'm seeing some fuzz too. I think I saw a foot, possibly, as well. The air sack is the same size, though I noticed a small portion where it's open to the rest of the egg. From my very little experience, this looks pretty bleak. Help, please?
Not sure what you are seeing. A picture would be helpful. If the air sac is too big you can try to increase the humidity by adding a sponge with water in it.
Thank you to everyone who helped me through this process. I'm sad to say I'm fairly certain the egg is completely and utterly dead. The dark object that once inhabited my egg has now almost completely disintegrated into veins and patches. I doubt there is any hope, but I'm so sad about this, if anybody has any information that would support the theory that the duck is still alive, feel free to share. I'm going to wait for a little while to throw it out, just in case.

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