help! Raising wild turkey poults caught from the wild


In the Brooder
Jan 21, 2019
Just a little heads up: I did not catch these baby turkeys, some kids found them in the woods and grabbed two of them because they weren’t being supervised and everybody knows me as the “chicken girl” so they brought them to me. I have no way to get them back to their momma, she’s wild and long gone! so any tips on keeping them alive is much needed!

They are only a few days old. I have raised about 15 turkey poults but never wild ones! They are pretty freaked out by humans so they are currently in a large box, heatlamp, leaves and other bedding that i got from outside so they would feel more comfortable. I also purchased 4 cornish chicks from tractor supply so that they could possibly bond to and learn to eat from a dish like they do. I also bought worms/crickets to feed but i have to get them used to me first. Any tips? (pic is of them in a little satchel that they were brought to me in)


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That is so cool!!! I don’t really know how to raise them but really interest In what people say

I’m hoping i can keep them healthy! i wish there was a way to get them back to their mom but around here turkey chicks are often killed before their first week so if i can keep them alive then maybe i could release them eventually! (only if that’s legal and they are wild enough to not interact with humans of course)
@R2elk and @oldhenlikesdogs are two people knowledgeable about turkeys, maybe they can help.

okay! thank you!! I’ve raised turkeys growing up but i also have always heard that wild turkey breeds are much harder to keep alive. These poults are NOT tame at all so it’s hard to watch them to see if their eating/drinking without freaking them out
I once had a wild turkey poult wonder into my coop. He was very young like yours, and just sitting in a corner of the coop. I put him the empty brooder with heat and food and water, and then called the local wildlife rescue and release organization. They are knowledgeable about raising wild birds, and were willing to take him to raise and release. That being said, things are different now. I am not sure there is an organization like that in your area, or if they are open.
This isn't helpful at all but I follow a girl on Instagram who had a wild male join her flock after mating with one of her domestic turkeys and he's lived there for a couple of years now and lets her get close to eat out of her hand. I think they are much like our domesticated turkeys, so whatever you'd do for them I'd do for the wild turkeys. It would be very cool if they calmed down for you as they grew! If you were concerned about legality I'd maybe look into that though...
i'd say just try raising them like the other chics. being only a few days old they may adapt well. who knows but can't hurt to try to place them with other similar aged chicks and see what happens...can't be much different than raising ducks and chickens together...
Did you see a PBS show called "My Life as a Turkey?"

If they are still with you, I would contact a wildlife rescue group. They can help with the practical aspects.

I once had domestic poults taken from underneath mom's wing to hand-raise. They spent the first 24 hours calling for mom. I felt like such a wretch for busting up the happy family. They settled down the next day and were just fine. We had one of our best brood hens from this bunch.

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