HELP!!! Stop the Shopping!!


Free Ranging
13 Years
Feb 2, 2011
I am up so late because I am under orders (by mom, LOL) to hurry up and order the pet stuff we need. I keep putting it off.. why.. because every time I go to Fosters and Smith I see more stuff I need! Not shopping at all is my only way of resisting... and now... I. am. forced. to. shop. against. my. will!

But there are sooo may things to buy!
Did you know they had that? and this???!!!

Plus.. you know... my horsie is about to run out of fly spray... and conditioner... and don't I need..... ????!! So of course I am shopping one two websites at once right now... and in order to qualify for the free shipping I neeeeed a certain amount in my cart. Perfectly sensible, right??

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