Help! The flies have taken over:


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 31, 2010
On Da Bayou
We live in Central Louisiana and it's now starting to get the Louisiana Hot sauce weather, the flies are taking over our chicken coop. My Husband & I are needing information on what to spray the coop walls with.
I just sprinkle DE throughout the coop, and also some AG lime outside to dry the ground and the poop to keep the flies away
I had someone tell me today that my coop did not smell at all (I have 30 chickens) and there were practically no flies
DE, and it helps if run is covered to keep it dry, pine shavings are good absorbent (sp?) esp for deep litter method. (edited for grammer).
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I'm having the same problem, I live in SC and it's also getting hot and sticky here and the flies are really getting out of hand. I went to our local feed store and got some DE today and plan on using it in the morning, I have chicks in the coop, I hope it won't harm them...
The package says it's harmless to pets and to use it for ants, slugs, cockroaches and basically any crawling insect, hopefully it's the right stuff...
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We've tried the DE too (food grade), several times so far this spring, and the fly issue is only getting worse for us. The entire coop is white, lol. Any other suggestions?

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