Help! Twisting neck when eating? Can’t breathe?

Shock. Shock is a medical confition, not behavior. It can be life thretaening without treatment. Shock causes imbalances in glucose and electrolytes. These imbalances affect organ function such as heart, brain and liver.

Symptoms of shock may be delayed. It's not too late to treat, and it behooves you to do so if you wish your chicken to recover.
Her droppings are a little watery, lots of white stuff. How do you treat shock? I gave her some poultry cell. Anything specific I need to do? @azygous
If Poultry Cell has electrolytes and sugar in it, you are treating for shock. Do this for at least 24 hours.
I did a mix of the sugar water and nutri drench, haven’t seen her eat much today but she’s free ranging as normal. Good attitude so far.

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