Help w/muscovey color/sex ID? (new pics in post #1)

If they are all male they may get along together since there are no female to fight over. Now I don't know if they will try to breed the chickens...
Rut roh Batman..I'm changing my guess now that I see those new pics.

They're all boys!! Sorry Kat! Those tails did it for me! And I just reread your post...They're only 7 to 8 weeks old???? Oh yea, they're males! LOL

But they're nice males! And I have one that looks like your Chocolate Pied male.

It was getting dark so this pic isn't the best.

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CRAP!!!!! ALL OF THEM??? I was hoping for some duck eggs for baking and such... Shoot... Ah well - males don't fly, right? I was wondering how I'd keep them out of the neighbor's pool...

Love YOUR ducks Laurie - especially the marbly looking one in the back w/the dark head - what color/pattern is that one?
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Mostly males don't fly but I have a just over 12month old who amazed me one day by flying past me while I was on the phone. He would have been about 12 feet in the air. I have since trimed one wing so no more flying for Rasta.
Sorry Patty - I must have missed this post somehow. Honestly, these three are enough for me!!! They're REALLY cool birds, but WAAAAAAYYYYY messier than chickens!!! LOL!

Now, how many mandarins can I put you down for in the spring???
LOL!!! Yeah, I'll keep one wing trimmed on each, regardless. Not only do we have a neighbor with a big fancy (salt water type) pool, but we live on a heavily traveled road between two highways. Don't need ducks holding up traffic or getting hit. My chickens are fine roaming 2 fenced in acres - just didn't know how the ducks would handle it.
Kat, that one in the back with the dark head is a male Snowy Call duck. That duck pen is my juvenile grow out pen so there are all different kinds of ducks living together happily. I think in that pen there are 3 male Muscovy's, 3 female Muscovy's, 2 White Mallards, 1 regular Mallard, 2 Cayugas, 2 Runners, and a Snowy Call drake.

When my white males were younger they flew down hill about 3 feet above ground, but now that they are grown they can't get off the ground...either too heavy or too lazy !
or a little bit of both.
LMAO!!!! Just goes to show you how much I know about ducks!!! He's beautiful - even in the dark!!! I had a mallard last year - brought to me as an orphan. I raised it, sorta "from afar" and left its wings unclipped so that it could fly away if/when it wanted to - he stuck around for about 3 months and flew away on my birthday...
And thats IT for my duck experience - until Patty FORCED me to bring home these muscovies!!!
About the only duck I can identify on sight is a runner - but I couldn't tell a call duck from a mallard, or a muscovey!

LOL! Hopefully mine will be too heavy and/or too lazy, too, Steve - our house is atop a gigantic hill, and my neighbor with the fancy pool is below us, with nothing separating our yards but a 4 foot chainlink fence and some shrubbery. Its so high that their 3rd story roof is about level with our basement. If these ducks got a running start, they could take off over the hill and directly IN the pool!!! So I'll be clipping wings, lazy looking or not!!!

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