Help! What just came out of my duck?

Jammi Walker

May 26, 2018
she laid her first 2 eggs last week and not another till today and I know new layers can lay soft eggs or shelless eggs BUT is this a normal no shell egg?? It was slimey and has this thing attached!


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If corn is their main diet, you will likely run into issues as it’s like feed a child only potato chips their whole life. It tastes good, but has very little nutrition they need. Do you have poultry feed in your area to buy?
They also get, cottage cheese, yogurt, bananas, grapes, oats, lettuce, scrambled chicken eggs, and meal worms... Just depends on what's on hand for the day on snacks. But the crush corn is what I get for their feed. I can get it at 5% 12% or 14% protien. I feed the chicken the 12% protien and free range during the day. My ducks are in a big fenced in area so I don't free range them. When I was getting feed in town it was chicken feed, or scratch feed,it's all they really carry so I started getting the crush corn at a local feed store nearby.

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