help with 5 week olds! - PICS


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 19, 2009
Rancho Cucamonga
Help! I think this first bird (Taffy) is *gasp* a rooster! It is bigger than the other chicks and made a weird strangling noise the other day when I picked it up. It is also the most bossy of the bunch. I also don't know what breed it is, I was told lit was an EE but I don't think so.

This next one is Captain Morgan, who was supposed to be a Delaware. This is the most friendly of the bunch, I hope she is IS a she. What do you think?


Next is Bernadette, who we were told would grow up to be a BO. Maybe not is my guess, but she is still a pretty little thing. Smallest of the bunch. I also included a picture of here nesting in my son's hoodie. What do you think she is?


Last is Omlette, we were told she was a Barnvelder. Her legs are a green/grey color that some people say is blue. This one is the second largest and I have my concerns that "she" may be a rooster also.


I would really appreciate any help on this!
I forgot to mention that when the chest bump each other, some of them fluff up thier neck feathers. Does that mean they are roosters?
I am REALLY new to chickens and am just hoping we can keep all of these chicks, but I can't have roosters...
The first one is DEFINITELY a rooster, though I am not sure what kind. It doesn't really look to much like an EE to me either, but I am not too experienced on that breed.

I would venture a guess that the other three are all pullets, but the last one could go either way. How old are they? I would say that if they are under 6 weeks the last one is a roo, but other then that I am not sure. He does have some growing wattles, which can be a quicker indicator then combs sometimes.

ETA: the chest bumping at this age doesn't mean much, they all do that. And I was watching a couple of my two year old hens ruff their neck feathers and fight yesterday.
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Bummer - 2 roosters! I'm glad to hear that the chest bumping and feather flaring is normal, I thought we might have all roos for a while!

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