Help with Mom's Hurt Silkie - *Warning - Graphic PIC on pg 2*

ok, how do I make the epsom salt water to soak him in? Do I boil the water and salt and then cool it down or can I just use warm water with epsom in it?

How much epsom to how much water?

Thanks for all the advice so far. We will try to do everything you have suggested to help our rooster, now named boo-boo.

If there are any farms near you or in your area then they usually have a vet. the vet in my area (in the city!) has a practice where he sees dogs/cats but he is also a traveling vet that does housecalls on farms fro livestock. He lets me bring my chickens right to his office.

Try looking into livestock vets in your area or ask your vet if they know of one. Sometimes animal rehabilitators may see it for you. They are meant to deal with wild birds- but if you state your predicament they may also be able to recommend a vet or see the bird themselves.

I would warm pack the scabs with warm wet cloth, to loosen the scabs and remove them- wipe/flush all the puss away. Flush with diluted chlorahexaderm.

Start on antibiotics right away. Birds are fragile infections can kill. The healing process will be itchy and painful so discomfort is normal unfortunately- but more so if it is inflames and infected- once you get in control of that it should heal....

Says on the package how much per bath tub full but but I guess the amount...per sink full 1/2 to 1 cup. All you do is add it to warm water, it will dissolve. Don't let bird drink it. Like someone said use the warm clothe to very very gently wipe the area so the epsom/water can penetrate better. Make sure you soak it for at least five minutes but ten would be better.
Make sure you get a hold of some antibiotics, believe feed store has some. Some one else on here suggested the amounts to give, I believe. If not, possibly ask feed store guys (maybe some that own chickens) how much to give OR call vet and ask the amounts. If vet is wanting to be helpful, they will give you the numbers. One time I could find no vets who knew anything about lizards (my dog had gotten its head) and finally one vet locally called a few vets outside the area to get the dosage requirements. The lizard lived, on him we did the betadine method. But it wasn't infected like yours. Thats why you need to do the epsom salt/water method.
Good luck.
p.s. never tried the chlorohexoderm before but i believe it is used to disinfect vets offices and such. don't know where you would find that. everyone here has their own method that has worked for them so which ever you choose I wish you the best.
Our roo wasn't looking good today so Mom has taken him to a vet that was hesitant, but willing to try. Not sure what the outcome is yet, but will let you all know.
The vet washed the womb and gave the silkie some antibiotics and sprayed something yellow on the wing. I ask him about pulling off the scab and all that junk and he said that the silkie is taking care of that by pulling and pecking but I found a vet about 40 miles from here and he called me while I was gone too the other vet and again today and talked too me about this silkie. He said bring him too me and I can show you some things too do where you don't have big vet bills too pay. Sometimes he says you have too make a cone around their neck where they can't reach the wound and no he does not need too be pecking and pulling on the wing and if there are any broken feathers he needed too pull them out for me. He will be out of the office tomorrow and he said if the silkie doesn't look lots better Friday bring him too him and let him see what he can do and that sometimes they have too amputate the wing. The vet I went too yesterday does not see chickens but said he would try too help so that is why I carried him on over. All the vets within 25 mile radius said a definite NO we don't see chickens.
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Thanks for asking and I am still giving it antibiotics and spraying the yellow stuff on the wing like the vet told me too but every time I spray the wing he digs at it and starts a new area. I think the wing is just about gone or at least that is the way it looks. I am just wondering if he is suffering and should I have him put down as he has also started pulling on the other wing also. But that wing is beginning to scab over. I really don't know what too do as I have read chickens heal quick but my baby is not healing as far as I can tell.
I did not read all of the posts, but I looked at the pics and many of your questions.

My advice would be to pluck the feathers, They are dead and anything dead around an injury can help bring bacteria flocking to the area.

Also, dead feathers can hold bacteria inside the feather shaft AND the hole in the flesh that holds it.

Plucking may hurt for a bit, the same as pulling scabs off hurt them, but is just as necessary to drain infection from the area.

You may want to bandage the area to reduce the incidence of flies. One a birds' wing gets infested with those amputation becomes necessary. The maggots crawl into the wing and eat any dead flesh/ infected masses and leave holes for new infection to follow...all in places you cannot see.

Flush well and frequently with saline, you can get this at most drug stores.

Some of the feathers will need plucked with tweezers. Do not leave the shaft in. If the shaft is left in, it can give a direct path for pathogens to reach the blood supply.

I have had to deal with this in several rescue birds with injuries. It seems to apply universally about plucking feathers away from damaged and injured areas.

I hope your chicken recovers well!
Thanks for the info. I will do everything I can too save this Silkie. He is so sweet and tries too talk too me it seems when I go to his cage and talk too him.
We had too put the Silkie down as I could only see it getting worse and felt he was suffering. That was a hard choice but I sure wasn't gonna be selfish and keep him in that shape just so I could have him. I believe I did the right thing. I just hate anything like that happened too him.
Thanks too all of you that gave advice during this injury too BOO BOO

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