Help ! Wobbly Turkey.


5 Years
May 31, 2016
Michigan (By The Thumb)
Hello ! I just bought two Bourban Red Turkeys today. A pair of them. The hen seems healthy but the Tom is having problems walking. he still gets around but he wobbles a lot and because of it, sits down often. I know nothing about these birds other than they ate chicken feed and watermelon for snacks. All of the chickens on the property were healthy and beautiful. I do not know how old they are but I'm guessing young as the Tom doesn't look that different then the hen. You can definitely tell them apart but he has no fan tail smaller facial features then I see in full grown turkeys.
I found these little bugs living on his behind. Yellowish little guys. What are they ? Could they be causing the problem ? and can Diatemaceous Earth get rid of them ?

His feet look fine as far as I can tell. Maybe his ankles are a little swollen ?

He also has this bald spot on his chest area. From the bugs maybe ?
All of the cotton looking things are lice eggs ... I don't know if the walking strange has anything to do with the lice but they can also become anemic from it

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