They are fine, came running to me I picked one up and she nuzzled and nibbled my neck. She can tell I am upset still.
@Miss Lydia @casportpony @WVduckchick

James found a thread from 2010 with a duckling that was having the same fits our were and one still is. Could ours be linked in a way to the same issue?
We feed Kalmbach All Natural Starter to Finish Crumbles non-Medicated it is a high protein food the percentage is 22% and our birds have had 0 issues up until now and it was only the ones in this batch, both tractor supply ducks and 2 of my own hatched bred ducks. We gave the one that was fitting today some extra Nutri-Drench along with water with it in there as well, the feed has Thiamine in it just like the Nurti does. Any insight to this issue would be grand!
I have to think since you have raised ducklings before without issue, either the feed was bad, or the TSC ducklings were sick and affected yours. Hopefully the others stay ok. :fl

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