hen cannot balance


Jun 15, 2022
Hi! It's been a while since I've posted or read anything. Sorry about that. Been busy campaigning for a presidential candidate.
Up until yesterday everything with my 1.5 year old ducks had been fine but when I went to let my 3 muscovy's out of their coop in the AM, the one hen, Luna, clearly had an issue! At first I thought it was a problem with one of her legs but as the day went on and today, I'm seeing it is a balance issue in general and not necessarily an either leg issue. I examined her and both legs are able to be pulled out to a stretch (while on her back) and that doesn't seem to bother her. Symptoms: she rocks back and forth when she tries to move (walk) and tilts either forward, backwards or sideways. I just saw her tilt so far forward that it looked like she hit her beak on the ground in front of her before finally catching her balance. She also tips to one side or the other while taking wobbling steps and sometimes uses her wing on that side to attempt to keep herself from falling over.
I am concerned that she may have fallen off the shelf in the coop onto her head and that this may be some kind of head or neck injury. I say that because I did see her (this is new behavior) attempt to go up there with the drake (perhaps for warmth, as it's been pretty cold all of a sudden) and in the AM have trouble getting down on the ramp. She kind of fell as she slipped/fell down.
They are all free range and she is attempting not to move around as much, though still trying to keep with her pals. She has leaned on her sister for support as well but sis didn't take much of that before moving away. I think she knows she's more vulnerable and so probably knows her best chance of staying safe is to be close to her 2 pals. They have slowed down somewhat to accommodate her. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I do not have ducks but read your post and regardless if it's an injury or something else, it could also be a vitamin deficiency. For our chickens, if they were doing that, I'd suspect the same and give them Nutra Drench or Poultry Cell in their water every other day for a couple of weeks. I looked it up and it says you could use that for ducks too, but I know ducks also need niacin, probably a little more than what is in those two.

I hope your duck gets better!
Poultry Cell is one I like to use. I used to use Nutri Drench but I think Poultry Cell is actually better. Plus so liquid B Complex in case it is a deficiency will help support if an injury too. I hope you can get these products and they will help.
How is she doing this evening @RebinNH
Tractor Supply has them. I'll go down to to get them this PM. I do have an appointment tomorrow with the vet and am considering whether to keep it or not. I really do not think this is something contagious and she does seem a bit better, so I'm inclined just to give her these products, wait and see and not make that trip. Is there something to help her, if she has pain or might that be overkill?
On another note, do any of you have a sure fire, safe and easy way to catch a duck who does not want to be caught?
I do not have ducks but read your post and regardless if it's an injury or something else, it could also be a vitamin deficiency. For our chickens, if they were doing that, I'd suspect the same and give them Nutra Drench or Poultry Cell in their water every other day for a couple of weeks. I looked it up and it says you could use that for ducks too, but I know ducks also need niacin, probably a little more than what is in those two.

I hope your duck gets better!
Thanks for your wish, Debbie!
Tractor Supply has them. I'll go down to to get them this PM. I do have an appointment tomorrow with the vet and am considering whether to keep it or not. I really do not think this is something contagious and she does seem a bit better, so I'm inclined just to give her these products, wait and see and not make that trip. Is there something to help her, if she has pain or might that be overkill?
On another note, do any of you have a sure fire, safe and easy way to catch a duck who does not want to be caught?
Does she have a coop? I will slowly walk behind mine and once one goes inside I close the door and pick them up.
Yeah they only go in at dusk. So I have 2 chances to get her. In the AM before letting them out - ie singling her out and catching her against a wall or after dark, when it's hard to see and then she's totally freaked! I can get her but if I decide to do something and don't take the AM opportunity (for whatever reason) I'm pretty much not going to do it.
So I finally took her to the avian vet and came away with $50 worth of meloxidyl and no answer as to why my duck is having issues with her balance. This prescription is for 5 days and then I guess we'll see. It does seem to be helping some with her balance (why I'm not sure) but she's still pretty inactive and when it wears off if she is not naturally better I'm considering if I should try something (another anti-inflammatory) that is non prescription. Any thoughts about that?
Another thing I asked the vet and got no answer to is why all 3 of my muscovy have ragged flight feathers. He was able to see it with this duck (the others did not go in) but did not suggest doing a parasite check. In fact he just suggested over preening from stress! Where he got that idea I know not, as he didn't ask me any questions and did not actually look (separate and look under, etc) at the feathers. Slam, bam, thank you mam and out the door $165 poorer!

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