Hen Contest #2

I have maybe a weird question:
I know things can transfer from pen to pen by shoes, touching & so on; some birds are carriers but.... If I was to get an egg from a different flock, wash & place it under my hen.... Is it the same risk? Could I infect my flock with something?
I have maybe a weird question:
I know things can transfer from pen to pen by shoes, touching & so on; some birds are carriers but.... If I was to get an egg from a different flock, wash & place it under my hen.... Is it the same risk? Could I infect my flock with something?
The chance is very slim, from the best of my knowledge. Don't wash it though, then It wouldn't have as good a chance to hatch. Washing eggs removes the protective bloom from the shell; the bloom keeps bacteria out of the egg, and washed eggs very rarely hatch.
Ok cool.

Oh wow. This is gonna take awhile!

So where did my paper go.....
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I have maybe a weird question:
I know things can transfer from pen to pen by shoes, touching & so on; some birds are carriers but.... If I was to get an egg from a different flock, wash & place it under my hen.... Is it the same risk? Could I infect my flock with something?
I've incubated eggs from other flocks before. (They've come from misc. NPIP breeders.) If I use a broody, I simple set her up in a broody apartment in the garage until the chicks are about 1-2 weeks old. By then my hen was exposed for 4-5 weeks & would likely show symptoms. Exposing one broody is less risk than the whole flock and my broody seems to prefer her privacy. I've never had any problems.
I've incubated eggs from other flocks before. (They've come from misc. NPIP breeders.)  If I use a broody, I simple set her up in a broody apartment in the garage until the chicks are about 1-2 weeks old.  By then my hen was exposed for 4-5 weeks & would likely show symptoms.  Exposing one broody is less risk than the whole flock and my broody seems to prefer her privacy.  I've never had any problems.

I only have a total of 7 Silkies at the moment. I have 2 hens that started laying about a month ago. Neither of the have gone broody yet. I'm not into the breeding part per say, I'd just like to have 1 or 2 of each color for pets & to spoil. I figured getting eggs would be easier than getting chicks. (mine were hard to find) Either they're not real popular here or people don't want to get rid of them. Constantly see post of people looking for Silkies.
I want a paint & entered a drawing to win 12 eggs. I will buy an incubator if I win but I was still nervous if anything could pass on to my babies from egg babies.
My 2 girls & 3 babies came from the same flock(several months apart; different dads)*my 2 roosters came from another flock.
I'm only at page 7!

And please tell me that people ran out of ovations to give, because I keep seeing absolutely stunning pictures with only one like!!!

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