Hen Contest #2

He looks like a Phoenix!! :eek:

That he is. I have a huge yard. How long do I have to keep him in a pen before he knows this is home?
I love him so much & I want the best for him. I need advice really bad. They brought him to me Wednesday.
I honestly know nothing about chickens. My silkies I treat like real kids.

I think you should keep him in his trampoline pen for a month or two so he knows where his new home is. Then after that he will free range close to wherever he sleeps at night.
He's really cute!!!
He's beautiful! Those bath pics made me smile.
I've heard of people keeping a lone rooster as a pet. I think they act more like pets when there are no females around to protect. (That was probably the reason he was considered "mean.") My giant orp roos are still human friendly even with hens around, but they don't want to be lap chickens either. They don't mind being picked up, but they prefer the attention of the hens.

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