"Hen" "Crowing" - reassure me she's a she, or disabuse me of my notion (Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte)

My experiences with Murray McMurray have been amazing as well so maybe it was just a post office thing. I’ve had that happen with another hatchery before🙄 So frustrating!!:barnie
It's quite possible it was the post office, for sure -- they have been having their troubles recently. But I probably should have gone with a closer hatchery just to cut down on the potential problems. Unfortunately none of our local friends had chicks up at the right time...
It's quite possible it was the post office, for sure -- they have been having their troubles recently. But I probably should have gone with a closer hatchery just to cut down on the potential problems. Unfortunately none of our local friends had chicks up at the right time...
Yeah. That’s too bad.😕

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