Hen going down hill fast after thinking she was egg bound


6 Years
Mar 28, 2018
My one and a half year old ISA was fine Sunday. Monday evening, I found her in a nest box. I thought she had gone broody, so I picked her up, but found her tail feathers down and no eggs under her. I came back an hour later to give her some Nutridrench and Pedialyte. When I picked her up, clear liquid came out of her rear, not like egg liquid, just warm watery liquid. I brought her inside and put her in an Epsom salt bath. I also gave her Nutridrench and Pedialyte. I did it again several time Tuesday and Tuesday evening, she passed a rubbery broken egg. I thought after that she would get better. Wednesday morning, I gave her a bath again and she ate and drank great. I kept up with the Nutridrench and Pedialyte to make sure she was getting what she needed. I gave her a bath again Wednesday evening, but this time, she didn't eat or drink on her own, I had to force liquids down her. She is so weak now, is there anything I can do? I'll answer the list of questions below:

Please note that we have no new additions to the flock and I am NPIP certified so am particular about bio security. She and her sister are the roosters favorite so they have missing feathers. We have two roosters to 23 hens, so the ratio is good, but she and her sister are still the favorites. There is also a Tom turkey and his lady and a drake and his lady in that coop. The Tom was in a dog crate recovering from an eye injury.

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) ISA BROWN, 1 1/2 YRS OLD, NO WEIGHT CHANGE UNTIL NOW
2) What is the behavior, exactly. LETHARGIC
3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? 3 DAYS NOW
4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? NO
5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. NO
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation. HAVE NO IDEA - THOUGHT IT WAS EGG BOUND
8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. NORMAL
9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? CALCIUM, NUTRIDRENCH, PEDIALYTE
10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? TREAT MYSELF
11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help. NO WOUNDS
12) Describe the housing/bedding in use COOP: PINE SHAVINGS, chickens go inside at night to roost, coop is closed. They have an enclosed run for the day and free range in the evenings when I'm home. Since being "sick", she has been inside in a crate in a quiet area.
I agree that it sounds like she is having a reproductive problem. Something is going on in her oviduct or shell gland, and she needs to remain isolated with food and water. When they have one broken shell-less egg, sometimes there are more to follow. I would get some human calcium tablets with vitamin D, and give her one today, the 1/2 tablet the next 2 days. Tums may be good if you can get her to take them orally or in food. Offer her some cooked egg, watery chicken food often. Sometimes they will feel better after they lay the broken egg.

Antibiotics may be helpful to prevent infection in her oviduct from the broken egg. Baytril would be good since it treats E.coli as well as other bacteria that enter the oviduct. Dosage is 0.05 ml per pound—0.25 ml for 5 pounds, given orally twice a day for 5-6 days. Here is where to find it online and I would get the 100 ml bottle for $23:
A vet really would be best, but I understand if it's not an option. If she were mine I would do everything @Eggcessive suggested, plus a few more things.

This is my list:
  • Keep in a warm room (80-85 degrees is ideal)
  • Once she was warm I would tube feed warmed Pedialyte at 14 ml per per pound of body weight, wait 60-90 minutes and repeat. Most people don't know how to tube, but there are several of us here that are qualified to teach you.
  • Give human calcium plus D at ~50 mg per pound of body weight.
  • Give Baytril at 0.05 ml per pound twice a day.
  • No baths or soaks, instead I would fill my bathroom with steam and let her sit in there on top of a heating pad set to low. Speaking from experience, bathing chickens this sick can kill them. :(
Hope that helps, and let us know if you want to learn how to tube fluids.
She is on a heating pad now and I'll stop the bathing. I have no idea how to tube feed. I do have tubing in my first aid kit, just would need to know how. I have the calcium with D. However I do not have Baytril. I do have Tylan 200 and tetracycline Hydrochloride Soluble powder. Would either of those work until I can get some from Jedds?
She is on a heating pad now and I'll stop the bathing. I have no idea how to tube feed. I do have tubing in my first aid kit, just would need to know how. I have the calcium with D. However I do not have Baytril. I do have Tylan 200 and tetracycline Hydrochloride Soluble powder. Would either of those work until I can get some from Jedds?
The tetracycline is probably better, but I'm not sure how effective it would be. What type of tube and syringe do you have in your kit?
Watch the videos and check out the links. Then let us know and we'll guide you step-by-step.

This is from the Go team tube feeding thread (https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/updated-go-team-tube-feeding.805728/):

Best tube feeding video:

Just wanted to share some crop feeding videos that I found.

Crop feeding videos

These are using a crop needle, not a plastic tube.

This one uses a tube like I use

The hardest part is getting them to hold still. Ducks have a different shaped crop, so that's probably why you can't feel it filling. Duck looks like the one on the left:

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Attaching photo of what I have. I also have something called Carnivore Care that is used for tube feeding in
raptor rehabilitation. I know she's not a raptor, but could it help? Attaching photos of what is in it.
Not sure about using the feed because it's so high in protein. The stuff I use is 30% or less. Harrison make one that 35%, so it might be okay. For a syringe you will need something bigger, like something in the 30-60 ml range. Tube looks good, but you will have to melt the end with a lighter because unmelted the edges might be too sharp and could damage her mouth, esophagus, or crop.

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