Hen has growth blocking nostrils (?)-PICS POSTED-MORE pics #15 and #16

Thanks, I read the plugged nare and favus. I don't know. Both nares are plugged. It does seem to be disinigration, but what's plugging the nostrils.

She's hot. I don't know what abx to use.
I've gotten some real good advice today, so I will be treating this as a sinus canker-even tho some of the symptoms are not the same. But diseases just don't play by the rules.
Karen, it doesn't seem to me to be a simple "feed blocking nares" kind of thing, but honestly, I don't know. She obviously can't get enough air and that has to come out, but what it is, I don't know. Never had that happen with any of mine, just the occasional one side blocked by dirt or feed deal. Poor girl. If it's a fungus, antibiotics won't fix that, but I'm at a loss.
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Coconut oil is antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral! Amazing stuff!!! Vaseline is a petroleum product.
Yes it is amazing stuff. I work with the prominent Dr. Mary Newport who had published a book about coconut oil possibly reversing or slowing down the disease process of Alzheimer's. The book is "Alzheimer's-what if there is a cure" , You can find it on Amazon

Thanks for the help, I almost think it's a fungus that could be all over her trach or sinuses, and she's been rubbing her nostrils on stuff to get relief, and it's wearing away her beak. I'll see what happens now with the antifungal.
I saw other pics of other chickens that looked the same and Dawg53 pointed out a comment by a member that he felt had some validity to it. So she got her pill of metronizole (?) this morning. I pray it starts to clear up.

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