Hen has growth blocking nostrils (?)-PICS POSTED-MORE pics #15 and #16

Just found a post that says that giving a bath (or maybe just swabbing the nostril) with dandruff shampoo will remove the crusty stuff. Doesn't kill the fungus (Favus) but it cleans off the chalky stuff so the meds can work better... http://www.browneggblueegg.com/Article.html Scroll down on the left to "Favus" and then it's at the bottom of the page.
Yes it is amazing stuff. I work with the prominent Dr. Mary Newport who had published a book about coconut oil possibly reversing or slowing down the disease process of Alzheimer's. The book is "Alzheimer's-what if there is a cure" , You can find it on Amazon

Thanks for the help, I almost think it's a fungus that could be all over her trach or sinuses, and she's been rubbing her nostrils on stuff to get relief, and it's wearing away her beak. I'll see what happens now with the antifungal.
Is she the one who's husband has Alzheimer's and it's improved with the coconut oil? I'm fascinated by it - and am buying some to try on my son who has ADHD and is on the leading edge of Asberger's as she said there's conjecture that it may help with Austism spectrum issues!

Let us know what happens!
Thanks for asking, Pete. I just gave her a pill last night (metro.....) for fungus. I think that pill takes 3 days to see improvement. I have nystatin creme to put on her nostrils. Tomorrow I give her a shot of Penicillin.

No improvement yet. But the damage on the outside seems to be from something that bothers her and she is scraping her beak away

Hopefully it will clear up!
Hi...I also have a hen with plugged nostrils.this is my plan of action with her.
I brought her into the house and put her in the hospital unit( large bird cage with private feed and waterer and heat lamp)
She is having respiratory infection from having to breath thru her open mouth all the time, so giving her antibiotics in waterer for 7-10 days.
Each night (she's calmer then) I wrap her in a towel and soak one nostril over and over with very warm mixture of water and Vet RX, applied with a q tip held against the obstruction. Just keep dipping the q tip over and over in the warm mixture. She usually falls asleep during this..takes about 20 minutes.Then I take a toothpick and gently try to scrape away little bits of the softened gunk. It appears to be old feed, dirt, mucus..as hard as concrete!
Patience and diligence pay off...took 5 nights of this, but finally cleared one nostril! Now working on the other.
So nice to see her breathing with her mouth closed for a change.
You have to really care a lot about a chicken to spend this much time fixing a problem..my husband thinks I am a bit strange! lol But I think there are a lot of us like this on BYC!

Fungus + antibiotics = NOT GOOD I don't think I'd give antibiotics right now?? Research it, but I know that humans can GET fungal infections after a round of antibiotics!
Hmmm, isn't that why we give probiotics? The flagyl was only one pill given . I think we get fungal infections because of the good bacteria being killed as well with antibiotics, so we give probiotics.

I think!

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