hen house

thanks every one...
yes they would have access to the run all day.. they like the little perch i have on the run,,, thats where they sleep now since the coop isnt done yet,.
the watereeererererer and feeder are both in the run and will stay there., the coop will be mainly for warmth.. in our oh so very cold winters here... (maybe 35 degrees for a day or two
) and egg laying..

inside the coop will be just the nest boxes and a perch,.
i have one exactly like yours!
but mine is 4x4x4 and i like it exept mine is on the ground with cement flooring in it.
i have the whole side open with a slide down door on the front. i put a tin roof on it so i can throw some rocks on it and remove it when i clean it out. my roost is a little high and i didnt add any insulation because i live in houston and the birds didnt mind the cold. i recomend to put the nest boxes built in because they take up alot of space and at night it gets a little tight with 3 birds it seems. i like it pretty much though.

If the run is attached , I would be letting them out all daylight hours .

Mine only go inside the coop to lay , and roost and sleep . Other than that they are outside running like there is no tomorrow ....

4 sq. ft. per is what my chickens have . the MORE the better and plenty of ventilation .......
n2h20 wrote:

i have 5 birds... i also have a 5 x 10 run that is attached and they get out twice a day for a few hours.......

SORRY BEEN BUSY with work and life..ugh..
i will post some pics soon. I have constructed the coop portion and am almost done. As of now i have 3 sides and a roof on the coop. the 4th side faces the run and and shared the "old" fencing of the run, except for a little opening for them to go in and out of the run.

Im not to worried about them being cold in the winter here..

my question is...

do i NEED to have the 4th side up?
does this effect their egg production?
make them feel unsafe at night?
any problems?

oh yeah and do hens try to crow??

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