Hen not eating or drinking


Mar 25, 2022
I have a 12 week old blue sapphire chicken wo has been standing with eyes closed, or sitting for 2 days. Covered run, dry clean coop, fresh water, and transitioning to all flock crumbles. I have put acv and garlic in the water. They have grit available, get black soldier fly larvae, scratch and oats as treats when we are visiting them plus occasional weeds from my garden. Poop is mucusy and cloudy. The other 7 are fine. Suggestions?
Can you post a picture of the droppings? At 12 weeks coccidiosis would have to be suspect. Treatment is very safe, so I would do that. Common symptoms are lethargy, sitting puffed up, not eating or drinking, runny, mucousy, or bloody droppings. Treatment is Corid, available at most feed stores, tractor supply stores, etc. in the cattle section. You can use either the liquid or the powder, which ever they have (pictures below), most people prefer the liquid for convenience. Dose for the liquid is 2 tsp per gallon of water, dose for the powder is 1.5 tsp per gallon of water. Make fresh daily and make sure it's the only water they have access to. Treat for 5 - 7 days. I would also give the very sick one an oral dose once a day for up to 3 days, instructions for that are here:
Give the oral dose in addition to the medicated water. Stop the ACV and garlic.

I picked up corid last night so I will start that this morning. I also picked up nutridrench, and rooster booster.. Can I do that at the same time? They are transitioning (mixed the last of it) from medicated chick feed so I was doubtful about cocci.. I don't have a picture of dropping but I will try to get one today. Thank you for the help!
When treating with Corid, do not feed them medicated feed.
Medicated feed is a good preventative but I have had young chicks get cocci even while they were on medicated feed.
I have a 12 week old blue sapphire chicken wo has been standing with eyes closed, or sitting for 2 days. Covered run, dry clean coop, fresh water, and transitioning to all flock crumbles. I have put acv and garlic in the water. They have grit available, get black soldier fly larvae, scratch and oats as treats when we are visiting them plus occasional weeds from my garden. Poop is mucusy and cloudy. The other 7 are fine. Suggestions?
Update! She was considerably better the next morning so I didn't treat with corid. I did do the nutridrench and electrolyte water and she seems to have fully recovered! No idea what was wrong but I'll keep a close eye on her.. Thanks for the help!

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