Hen or Rooster? (16 week RIR?)

I bought day old chicks from MyPetChicken. I got a variety pack (supposedly sexed female) so I do not know their exact breed. They are all 16 weeks now and I am trying to determine if this one is a rooster or a hen. She has virtually no comb or wattles, and she seems to be roughly the same size as my buff Orpington and australorp (same age but I got those two from TS so I know their breeds). But her tail feathers have some curves and some dark black ones, her neck feathers are shinier than my others and her feet might be a little bit larger? I can’t tell if those are the pointy saddle feathers or not. All these pics were taken today.
Hen, also listen for any cocking in the mornings as mine did it from the ages of only 3-4 weeks

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