hen passed "meat lump"? Caution, gross pic's


9 Years
Jan 16, 2011
I found this on the poop board this morning. None of the hens seem to feel sick or anything. A few days ago I saw one of the hens running around with a chunk of something so I caught her and it was also a chunk of "flesh" but it looked different. I hope they are ok but like I said they all seem to be quite happy. All of their vents are fine. They are all about 2.5 years old.
Second pic is of the larger chunk cut open and there seems to be an inner and outer layer. I don't have a rooster so no fertilized egg. Anyhow, thought I would pass on this weird episode of chickenkeeping...

That is weird, when you find out what "it" is, please post to let us know. Never seen anything like that, almost look like part of their inside. Ever consider taking it to a Vet or feed store to ask?
No, I didn't think to have it tested. Chickens still seem to be healthy.
I found something like that in my run one morning after I let the hens out. It was still warm. They were my first chickens, so I was not sure what it was. I suspect one of my hens had a prolapse and her friends pulled it out for her. Everyone seemed okay, but my RIR didn't lay after that. Hope your girls are okay,good luck.
This looks like the reproductive tract from the Uterus to the infundibulum (see below). As you can see it does not look like its just the Ovary.

If you see any bleeding, take the bird to the vet! I hope all is well with your flock

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