hen with red bottom area....very graphic pics

crossing fingers for you.
It had prolapsed again yesterday morning. The vet that lives next door came over and put some stitches in. I had to work, but my husband and daughter took care of things for me. I will try to get some pics up tonight of her new bottom. Now we just have to hope she did not get to much infection. She is on antibiotics right now in her water. I sure hope she will be alright. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
Well, she drank alot of water today, and nibbled on her food. When I got home I gave her some watermelon. She gobbled that up. Stitches are coming out tomorrow. Cleaned her cage, and cleaned up her backend feathers again. She has some runny poo. so also gave her some yogart. She will probably never want to go out to the coop again with all the goodies she is getting. Her bottom does look good. I don't see any red on the outside. I just hope the inside is healing as well as the outside.
If she had prolapsed twice it is a good indicator she will do it again. If you can afford it, get her spayed and let her be a pet chicken that works for her room and board by being an insect eradiator!

Poor girl but glad she is coming thru!
Well, I think it was the same prolapse. It was just not staying inside. My neighbor is a vet and she said that sometimes with dogs and other animals that have prolapse rectum's ( I know that it is not quite the same) they sometimes have to put a couple stitches in to help them keep it in while it heals a little. She put the stitches in on Sunday and I think she is going to take them out tomorrow or Wednesday. I have high hopes that she will be fine. I sure hope it is not a continueing problem...
Nice work Freebie.
I think what EweSheep is saying is that her rectum will be weakened now...just like with a horse that has colic surgery, he can still colic again...or if you injure a tendon, you'll always have issues with that tendon...I would venture to say, without having any experience at all, that a rectum could be prone to falling out again if it has in the past.
How much does it cost to spay a chicken?? My friend wanted to get one of her roosters fixed and the guy was going to charge her like $300 or $350...sounded pricey to me!
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Well, the stitches came out last night. And I am afraid to go check on her this morning. I am still keeping her in the dark and not giving her any layer mash. I am still worried about her. She is in good spirits and seems fine. I just don't want to go out and find her prolapse back out. Here I go....It is protruding again. I think I may just have my husband put her down tonight while I am at work. She can not go around with her bottom coming out. I will not take her to the vet and have her spayed. (I wish this was an option) I am very sad right now.

edited for spelling.
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