hen with red bottom area....very graphic pics

Ok, I am hoping someone will chime in here. She did not drink very well yesterday. The day before, she drank her entire bowl of water in about 8 hours. I have been giving her watermelon. Would that hydrate her?
Oh man! I can't believe it's falling out again. I would think that watermelon would provide some hydration.
Have you tried electrolytes or gatorade?
I have antibiotics in her water, change it daily. but no, I have not tried anything else. She seems to be fine. Like she is ready to go back with the others. I may bring her in and try some more sugar. I am just by myself. I usually hold them and someone else does the doctoring. I am thinking I will wrap her in a towel and try it anyway. I am just sad and a little afraid. I think I can do it as I am more afraid of losing her than losing my cookies. lol
So did the rectum prolapse again? I don't have any experience with this. I remember one of my hens (years ago) had a red butt and I wasn't very chicken savvy, I let it go and the next day she looked fine.
My point is give her a few weeks to heal...unless you think she is suffering. But it sounds like she's eating.
Did she drink yet? How about dissolving some honey in water...honey is suppose to have antibacterial qualities and maybe she'll smell the sweetness.
Her prolapse was very bad, now it looks like a big hemeroid. I don't know if I should just leave her be or try to get the swelling down with some sugar.
I hope someone else sees this and has some advice for you, I just haven't had any experience with this kind of injury.
If it were me I would keep doing what you are doing and wait for advice from a knowledgeable BYCer.
Sounds like you have done great with her so far...you are being a good chicken mama and that is commendable.
Sounds like it is still holding in, maybe that hemorrhoid will heal up. I'll keep bumping you so hopefully someone will have some experience with this! Keep up the good work.
Well, I put some prep H on her bottom, and my husband will check her when he comes home. I talked with the neighbor and she said usually 3 days with stitches is good for dogs with a prolapse rectum. My husband just thinks she needs more time to heal. I just can't help but worry about her. Thanks for all your support. I will leave her be and let her rest now.
I agree with your husband, give her time to heal...I know, it's hard! Try and think positive, don't kill yourself worrying!
I am sorry to hear your hen didn't make it Denise. I know how hard you tried to help her. A lot of people wouldn't of bothered with a bird that only cost a few dollars.

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