henny1129's Chat Thread! Anyone welcome!

Who's ready for Christmas? I look I've the Christmas season!!! What's your favorite thing To do in the Christmas season? Mine is listening to the Christmas songs on the radio and decorating the house! We get tons of lights for outside on the porch, then I decorate the inside of the house. And the smell of pine from Christmas tree!
Who's ready for Christmas? I look I've the Christmas season!!! What's your favorite thing To do in the Christmas season? Mine is listening to the Christmas songs on the radio and decorating the house! We get tons of lights for outside on the porch, then I decorate the inside of the house. And the smell of pine from Christmas tree!

Ugh, I love Cristmas but its to early to start talking about it.Come on, it's harly even thanksgiving! :p
Who's ready for Christmas? I look I've the Christmas season!!! What's your favorite thing To do in the Christmas season? Mine is listening to the Christmas songs on the radio and decorating the house! We get tons of lights for outside on the porch, then I decorate the inside of the house. And the smell of pine from Christmas tree!
I do enjoy Christmas, but like Kyndra said, it's to early! :lol: I like decorating the house/tree.
nothing really....school....chores....writing an article that's all! and you? I'm getting this guy Saturday! I CANT WAIT!

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