Hens Stopped Laying


May 21, 2015
Hello! Over the past few weeks or maybe even months, I have encountered a problem with my hens. This would be that four of them have stopped laying completely. On the other hand two of my hens continue to lay to the best of there abilities (producing about one every other day). The hens are only two years old, so I am not entirely sure why they aren't laying. I also feed them the same layer mix and allow them to free range. They look healthy to me and have enough nesting boxes. If you have any idea on why my hens have suddenly stopped laying, I would appreciate it if you could reply below. Thanks!
My first instinct would be to look around for a hidden nest if they all appear healthy. Have they ever been wormed?

Also, I don't know where you are located. What season are you running into? Spring chickens normally lay through their first winter but usually take a break every winter after starting with fall molt.
Thanks for your responses. I looked in the coop for a secret nesting spot, and behind the nesting box I discovered one brown egg (which means it was from one of the four other hens). However, upon further inspection, the egg was broken as if it had been smashed or eaten by a chicken. Does this mean that the four hens are eating their own eggs, and if so, is there anything so can do about it?
You may have an egg eater but I would try and confirm that before taking action. You say they free range. Have you looked around outside for a nest? Look for dark cubby holes under shrubs or sheds.

Keep in mind almost all layer feed is now "vegetarian feed" which is ludicrous because chickens are not vegetarians. Depending on how much area they get to free range, they may not be getting enough animal protein which can contribute egg eating. Once they start, there isn't much you can do to stop it other than remove the guilty chicken or redesign their nesting boxes. And if they're not laying in them, that won't work.
I usually let them free range all day, unless so am not home or can't due to weather. As for it being hot, it hasn't really been that hot the past few weeks, but this weekend it was around 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Well, for some reason unknown to me, yesterday night I collected two brown eggs which I was pretty excited about. This is because as I have previously stated, it has been weeks since I have collected some. Thanks for all your help!

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