hepl me diagnose my red star hen's condition please-added poop pics

no matter the cause of the polyuria (that is the watery droppings) when you see this you need to give electrolytes ... put in water as her only source of water (please ensure you use correct dosage)
Do not give any more cheese (it is very salty) > you can mix the supplements (aviacharge) in with a wee bit of COOKED oatmeal and mix that thru her feed. If it were me I would get a NEW bag of feed (sometimes feed has been stored improperly) .
ohh my chickens poop was like that we think its just getting older
I don't want to assume that your hen has the same problem as mine but I had a 1 year old Red Star that was my best egg layer. Her eggs were HUGE. One day she went to the nest box and was there for 2 days. I thought, finally, she's turning broody on me. Well, after she sat there for 2 days and finally left the box I checked and found the most gigantic egg I have ever seen a chicken lay. I have a picture if I can figure out how to load it. Anyway, this huge egg must have caused some major internal damage because after that egg came she became lethargic and had a running goo... and puss coming out her rear end. It was about a month later that she died from this. I assumed her body couldn't handle the huge egg and it did some damage to her. She was the first hen I had to bury. It was so sad!! She acted the same as what you have described.. she was to herself, and in the last few days she would just stand or sit with her eyes closed. The final day the other chickens started harrassing her and picking on her so I moved her away from them. You might want to watch how the other chickens treat your girl to prevent them from picking at her.

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