Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

Marty that sounds good.

Just FOUND the lost goslings! Their new owner is rushing to pick them up right now. PO told her they were very loud, she has poly visol water in hand to give them right there with a dropper.

Iain, I'm sorry you lost more duckies.

This morning the little Toulouse, who has been slow, died.

However, everyone else is out and about. I need to give them a towel, since they wiggle so much. some of them end up upside down. I put them togather, and they are cuddled up.

(I've posted pics at hatch day is today also, gotta share a good thing!)

I see you were up late again Iain. I hope you get to rest soon, and that the gosling hatches success more than make up for the trials you've been having.
Hey Marty, I'm sorry about your toulouse.

that the goslings were found!!! Congrats on the external pip too!!!! Gotta pic of fluid baby yet??
Morning candle on Erin's toulouse as we head into day 28. The baby has made it all the way to air cell edge and looking very strong. The veining appears to be shutting down. I expect this baby to internally pip by tonight. My 3 buff dewlaps on day 25 are dipping nicely too.

My tough little cayuga survivor is still hanging inside his cradle shell, looking like he is getting ready to hatch. I am steaming bathroom up to take a closer check at how well the veining has receded from inner membrane. If it is clear, I may try to free his head, since I cannot see his eyes yet.
Marty, that looks good.

Iain here you go

It has color to the bill so thinking not white, maybe a buff, lilac or lavender. Only time will tell as it feathers

Shipped babies are alive, new owner is very happy to have them.
Here is our wrong way baby.

Shipped egg, first year goose, the other from the same pair is fine. This one has tagaderm covering the fat end of the shell to protect the yolk. Small hole for air at the point. Candled to find the void down there then went in slow and small. Won't do anything else until Friday with that one.
Oh my!! Look at the silver color on the precious baby's head!
I bet you were so excited to pop open that egg and find it still alive!

I HATE wrong way babies.... just so flippin' hard to hatch them out successfully. Glad that baby is in your hands!!
I checked my cayuga baby... veining almost receded by head, but not quite. So I only moistened the membrane and put him back. It has been 40 hours since I opened his shell up for him.

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