Hi everyone, Got a question about Garlic

This thread's got a bunch of links down the bottom of the first page.

I use garlic and have not had any issues with it, nor even a normal amount of the usual health issues the average flock-keepers experience with their poultry. I highly recommend it.

Best wishes.
X2 what Mountain Peeps said. The taste of garlic is sulfurous and that's what repels the parasites, because an overdose of sulfur makes parasites sick because they can't tolerate anywhere near the sulfur levels a chicken can. The sulfur permeates the flesh, which is natural as sulfur is one of the major components of skin etc, which is also one of the reasons garlic speeds healing, and after the chooks have been eating it for a while they become very distasteful, hostile hosts to parasites. Chooks have quite large livers for their body size and can cope with a lot of garlic; you'd have to forcefeed them inhumane amounts for prolonged periods to cause them to overdose.

Best wishes.

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