Hidden Forest Coop

Did you get your chicks yet?
It looks like the USPS is going to take at least two days to get them to me. I thought since they were sent "Priority Mail Express" they would be here the next day but I've found out, for some reason, with live animals it could be 2 or 3 days.
Well shucks! :( But, just two more days and you're in the chicken raising business! :weee
I'm sorry if I missed it ( I thought I was keeping up with your build) but did you ever say what breed(s) you were getting? How many and from where if you don't mind me asking? I know you're on the opposite side of the country from me, but I still like to see what hatchery people choose. Thanks in advance..:rolleyes:
I admire and share the desire to have the coop built BEFORE the chickens arrive BTW.
Well shucks!
But, just two more days and you're in the chicken raising business!

I'm sorry if I missed it ( I thought I was keeping up with your build) but did you ever say what breed(s) you were getting? How many and from where if you don't mind me asking? I know you're on the opposite side of the country from me, but I still like to see what hatchery people choose. Thanks in advance..

I admire and share the desire to have the coop built BEFORE the chickens arrive BTW.

My chicks are now "Out for Delivery". I've got a little United Nations of breeds coming from Meyers Hatchery. They weren't exactly the breeds I was looking for but it was close enough for what was available. I'm getting one each of: Easter Egger, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Golden Buff, Cuckoo Marans, Black Australorp, Barred Rock and a Welsummer.
Love to see the babies when they arrive!!!! I EE's and Australorps!

I'll upload some pictures when backyardchickens.com sorts out it's picture problems. Unfortunately, one was very lethargic when they arrived and died about an hour later. The rest are doing great.

Did you clear all the forest litter off the area before you introduced the birds to their new home?
I ended up removing 6"-8" of soil from the bottom of the run to make way for new litter but the chicks probably won't be moving out their for 5 or 6 weeks. I've got them in my laundry room at the moment. What does clearing the forest litter do?
Not sure.
I have a semi portable coop and I have cleared an area under some pine trees. The ground is covered in old pine needles as you would expect and I was wondering if they should be removed or will the chickens benefit from the decaying organic material as they eventually scratch down to the dirt.
Here's my 3-day-old chicks. I've discovered that it's hard to take good pictures of them.
I think this one is a Welsummer.

Maybe a Cuckoo Maran?

Left to right in front; Black Australorp?, Golden Buff? and a Golden Laced Wyandotte?
Penguiny looking one in the back might be a Barred Rock.

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