*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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Andromeda watched over him.
Amar playfully smacked his side.

Racine walked into the cave were Castiel had been put. He had blood on his hands, that he was wiping off. "There has been a mistake. One I mean to rectify. If you'll let me." He told Andromeda.
"And so it starts. The royalty beating the riff raff!" Navar said with humor.
When the reached the end of the garden pathway, Jackdaw stepped away a bit and shifted to his fey wolf form. He then waited for Dawn.
Aeval glanced back at Dust and shrugged, "I believe it's all languages. But I'm not sure, we may need to test it, to be sure. " She said softly.
Degan thought a moment then said, "Let's tear them apart like monsters!" He suggested.
Dawn shifted to her Pyrenees and shook her coat. She looked at Jackdaw with a rather noble expression.
"Interesting." Dust said thoughtfully.
Zia shifted into her raccoon and did just what he suggested. Her poor car quickly becoming no more than pieces.
Anna shook her head and smiled "It is part of the duty of the Guardians to look after the denizens of Moonhaven, even now. There is never a life debt owed for their services." She explained gently

Bertram closed his eyes in gratitude. "Thank you and yours, for everything you have all done for others. " He said as he opened his eyes and refocused on her.
Aaran grinned like an idiot and sighed happily,"Thank you, Princess." He blushed,"I'm pleased you think that." He stared at her face just smiling off into space before he realized he was staring. He awkwardly stared at the wall, but he couldn't hide his smile.
Nisha stared at her,"And you got away? That's my little sister! How could you let her get captured?" She demanded angrily,"How could you? She's just a teenager? You're letting this happen to her? Luis was bad, but that's Markus! And she's man made!" She growled,"How could you? How could you let her go in the first place?"

Kristen watched her sadly. She snuggled closer to Orson for comfort.

Elina smiled happily at Aaran. She found his antics so amusing. She had never seen such a response as this. She felt like she was light as air. "Your gift you made for me, I put it in stasis, so it lasts forever." She said rambling a little.
Orson stayed calm, but he was battle ready. He'd took precautions, by chanting a protection spell around Kristen to help keep her safe. "If you listen to her, you hear how hard they fought to save them all. But if they had been caught, we wouldn't know what had happened to them." Orson stated with conviction.
Bertram closed his eyes in gratitude. "Thank you and yours, for everything you have all done for others. " He said as he opened his eyes and refocused on her.
Anna dipped her head a little, accepting that gratitude for her father and the pack "That is what they agreeed to when they became full members of the Guardian pack, but thanks are always appreciated

Aurora sighed and shook her head "What we found was a trap, they nearly got all of us, which is why we need more help to free the others. We will not let them stay there or let them keep that place. We will get them back Nisha"
"You don't even know my name." She pointed out,"Please I'll tell you what I know. Leave him out of this, please." She begged then glared at him,"Do you get some sort of sick pleasure from hurting teenagers? What are you going to tell him? That you'll hurt me? We both know you can't do that. I'm in a cage. Plus I think Markus wants me. He thinks I'm "special""

"Oh, I don't need to know your name. He knows we have you. That's more then enough, I assure you. Oh, and I could hurt you from here. I made that collar you have on. I know all the bells and whistles that make it work. It is you who has no control. Good day and happy travels." Xavier said, as the men arrived to transport Taylor.
Dawn shifted to her Pyrenees and shook her coat. She looked at Jackdaw with a rather noble expression.
"Interesting." Dust said thoughtfully.

Zia shifted into her raccoon and did just what he suggested.  Her poor car quickly becoming no more than pieces. 

Jackdaw gave Dawn a wolf's grin. Then wagged his tail slowly.
"How do you mean? Interesting good or interesting bad?" Aeval asked curiously.
"You are better at that then me. Plus I'm having more fun watching you, so you can destroy mine." He said, as he set his on the floor and wheeled it over to her.
Aaran grinned like an idiot and sighed happily,"Thank you, Princess." He blushed,"I'm pleased you think that." He stared at her face just smiling off into space before he realized he was staring. He awkwardly stared at the wall, but he couldn't hide his smile.
Nisha stared at her,"And you got away? That's my little sister! How could you let her get captured?" She demanded angrily,"How could you? She's just a teenager? You're letting this happen to her? Luis was bad, but that's Markus! And she's man made!" She growled,"How could you? How could you let her go in the first place?"

Kristen watched her sadly. She snuggled closer to Orson for comfort.

Elina smiled happily at Aaran. She found his antics so amusing. She had never seen such a response as this. She felt like she was light as air. "Your gift you made for me, I put it in stasis, so it lasts forever." She said rambling a little.
Orson stayed calm, but he was battle ready. He'd took precautions, by chanting a protection spell around Kristen to help keep her safe. "If you listen to her, you hear how hard they fought to save them all. But if they had been caught, we wouldn't know what had happened to them." Orson stated with conviction.
Aaran's grin widened,"You honor me, but the gift you have given me is greater. Princess, you give me hope that I can be the person that you see in me. That gift will also last forever." He blushed wishing he could unsay it. Now he embarrassed himself in front of her. Great.
"Sleep? My sister is with that lunatic and you want to sleep?" She glared at Orson and his human thinking of a million horrible things she could say to him right now but she chose a milder one,"She smells like Markus and yet you have her wrapped in your arms. Traitor. She'll leave you at the first sight of blood and go crawling back to Markus' arms. They always do." She spun around and stalked off.
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Jackdaw gave Dawn a wolf's grin. Then wagged his tail slowly.
"How do you mean? Interesting good or interesting bad?" Aeval asked curiously.
"You are better at that then me. Plus I'm having more fun watching you, so you can destroy mine." He said, as he set his on the floor and wheeled it over to her.
Dawn looked towards the forest then back at Jackdaw.
"Good, I'd assume." He said before rubbing an annoying patch of dirt off his face.
Zia pounced on it like a kitten before treating it the same she did her own.

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