*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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( what was the question? )

Rory walked into the quit dinner, sat at the counter and ordered a cup of coffee. She noticed she was the only customer there except for a group of four that were seated in the back, there was something off about them. They didn't seem like ordinary humans.

(I forgot, lol)
"So, what are you doing here indtead of with your king?" Kellan asked after they were settled. He kept his voice low so no human woulsd overhear them.
(I forgot, lol)
"So, what are you doing here indtead of with your king?" Kellan asked after they were settled. He kept his voice low so no human woulsd overhear them.
" He left me and my brigade here for unknown reasons, we haven't heard from him in some time. "

Xatia frowned at the unfamiliar terms. "How many are in your brigade?" She asked curiously.

Keldwyn was playing with the glass of ice water. Trying to lick the ice cubes through the glass, until she found the top of the glass. (She's strange. Not very worldly. )
Rayne listened to him and did as he said to shape the antler piece.
Nabal made a small sound and looked to Spyro then back to Ender. "You are Sylph no longer, that part that was you is dead. The great dragon burned it out with your shift. You only have this form from memory, but that is all it is now is a form, it is not the true you any longer." She said then shook her head "That is why your bonds were broken, a life debt is only until death, as is the mating bond."
Kristen shifted also and nuzzled him before going to graze nearby.

Jackie chuckled and took his hand to go to the cabin and inside, making sure everything had transfered correctly then finding a place on her mantle for the stone.
Aurora laughed happily at their excitment. "I could always throw in some barrel rolls or something to make it really exciting." She said teasingly.
Rana chuckled and looked back to Selina "It is nice to meet you Selina." She said kindly.
Shaylee frowned as her body moved to the command obediently. She looked to her prison then settled in, trying to draw her energy in to build it up for the next fight. She had a feeling she would not have long to try.

Once the antlers pieces were flat and shaped, he taught her the art of carving the surface with a fractured stone with a sharp edge.
Ender was completely unprepared for that explanation. But it made perfect sense. It explained why Avalon had thought him dead, he had been. He looked to his queen...no, not his queen. He looked to Avalon. "It w would seem we are both free now. You free from madness and me free from servitude." He replied softly.

Avalon fought her emotions. She was still having trouble accepting this new reality and what it meant for all Sylph kind.

Spyro was stunned beyond compression.
Bertram grinned at the placement of the stone. "Perfect! That is the perfect place to put such an artifact. " He said with humor.

Sergio asked mentally if she could go play with Garth.
"Oh! No! That won't be necessary. I fear I'd only fall off. Unlike Jaeger, I don't have a built in parachute of sorts." Ravek said with appreciation of her gest.

Jaeger chuckled softly and looked around at the lights of the city. It was vastly different riding and not flying himself. It was quite nice.
Selena smiled and dipped her head, "likewise. Any friends of the alphas are highly respected." She said softly.

Sandor flushed a smile at Selena and teased, "Suck up much?"

Selena growled at Sandor, before she grinned widely. "No. But it never hurts." She then smiled to Rana again.
Pariah got into the elevator to take them to the top of the mountain. She watched as Shaylee followed her. Before she entered the code.
"I had no idea he had that many. That would explain why he only came back with his generals. For if he had to return, he'd have fresh reinforcements waiting. Very strategic, to say the least. " Xatia thought aloud.

" How about you? Why are you both in the earth realm? " Alain asked her


Rory sat quietly and with her sensitive hearing started to overhear their conversation

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