*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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Cicero laughed good-naturedly at her joke. "No, not anywhere near that large. I ment more thumb sized. " He clarified further.
"Oh, now I understand." Islanzadi said and smiled as the lightning bug flew off of her hand. A few more had started to gather, making themselves the only lights in the area besides the moon, which was partially covered by clouds.
"You know, there are so many bugs that can sting and bite, some can even paralyze your arm for a certain period of time if they sting you, but it's nice to know that something in the insect kingdom won't and can't hurt you." She told Cicero jokingly.
Name: Nemesis
Age: A few million years.
Gender: Female
History: Long. Too long to write at the moment.
Personality: Nemesis is vengeful and has a desire for justice. If you do something arrogant, lazy, or cruel, as a Greek goddess, it is her job to eventually punish you with no remorse. She controls if you are happy or not, she will choose if you suffer, and she doesn't deal out mercy.
Nemesis doesn't overdo punishments either, she is reasonable, has self control, and is intelligent enough to know when enough is enough. How much happiness, how much suffering.
Though, despite the fact that she mentally tortures people a lot, she's not always cold hearted.

True Form: Her other, untrue form but with large white wings and a golden sword.
Picture/Description: She will also sometimes take the form of birds, usually a goose.
Username: Garjzla
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Xatia listened quietly, as Kellan concluded their meeting. Ready to stand up and leave. But waited patiently for the right time. That's when she noticed that they had an eavesdropper. She sent a mental message to Kallen explaining what she'd discovered.
Kellan nodded and stood, using the move to search the place for the evesdropper and get a feeling for who and what they were.
Jackdaw likewise finished his own off. It wasn't anything too fancy, for he was a bit rusty at making them. He looked over as Rayne finished with hers. "That is very lonely." He replied honestly.
Ender had memories of a cave high up in the mountainous region of Anstropfia. It intrigued him. Why did thinking about it, make him feel like it was his home? He wondered absently.
Avalon was at a loss as to what had happened. But there was nothing that could be done about it. The only consolations was the intense draw was gone. She at lest felt like she did before they'd twirled. She said quietly, "I think I shall go back to the tent, if you'll excuse me. "

Spyro moved to follow Avalon back to her seat.
Bertram grinned widely and stated teasingly, "Noticed that, did you? I've longed to get you alone. Now that it's a reality, I'm at a loss of inspiration. Whatever shall we do? "
Ravek bowed politely and smiled. "Why, hello Estelle and Elle. And thank you for your warm welcome." He replied genuinely.

Jaeger formally greeted the queen of dragons.
The elevator ride to Sandor's floor was a short ride down a flood. He led the way to his apartment, which was the first to the right once they got off the elevator. He fumbled with his keys, as he looked for the one he needed.
Pariah just turned to look at Shaylee with a 'death to you' expression. "Oh, we has a comedian on our hands. Let's see if your smiling when I find that male waterhorse.....Vaughan? Was it?" She asked with darkly.
(So, sorry. I had to take a few days off. I'm feeling a bit more in control of myself.
Thus so I could control my characters.
Rayne grinned happily at the praise as she looked at her sculpture then handed it over to him "It's for you. It's a phoenix. I have never seen a real one, just the pictures in books, but I like them."
Nabal looked to Avalon and bowed in respect to her "Queen Avalon, I would suggest resting the rest of this day. Your soul has had a shock and needs to recover" She said gently then looked back to Ender "It likely is the home your dragon soul had before, there were stories that the souls were reborn, or some of them. I would have to find that book again."
Jackie chuckled then shrugged "To be honest, I do not know." She said and leaned against him in a hug. She was content just being with him
Estelle grinned happily to them both "Would you like to come in? There's a fire dragon here too.Can I ask what you are?" She asked then frowned a little and looked to her mother "Is that rude to ask what they are?" She was clearly excited to meet more people and have her mother back with them
Rana looked at the pictures hung on the wall while he fiddled with the keys to the room. She was curious about all aspects of this city life, though she didn't ask many questions about it. She liked observing and drawing her own conclusions more often than not.
Shaylee tilted her head curiously "It is not comedy that makes me ask that question. I have no knowledge of this pack you speak of." She said, losing the inward smile at the mention of harming a male waterhorse. His name made her heart hurt, but she was glad he was still free.

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