*Hidden Nature* A Shapeshifting RP

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Taylor sat up, rubbing her forehead. Something was giving her a headache. Smelled like.... burning. She gasped and ran over to the oven. She quickly pulled open the oven door and pulled out the smoking pizza,"OH SHOOT NASHTON HELP ME!" She yelped, and dropped the pizza pan on the floor. Thankfully, the pizza didn't flop over upsidedown, but Taylor ran to the sink and shoved her burnt fingers under the running water of the faucet. She had forgotten to put on oven mitts when she took out the pizza,"Nashton! You were supposed to wake me up when the timer went off!"
(Haha. First post and you're already making me laugh. XD)
(That's my job
I'm comic relief)
Name:Death.No one knows his real name.
Age:Immortal.3,000 years so far.
History:Death........is well, Deaths history hasn't been told.But, that's cause of no human contact, expect for killing.When Death was a child, he never knew his father.His mother beat him up and punished him for the smallest things.Death never had any friends, and no one knew his real name.They only called him,'The Boy'Many years later, his mother died of a heart attack, only cause of Death had scared her so bad.He never really felt any emotion when she died.He was angry, of course, but he didnt feel sad at all.Everyone felt bad for him, and tried o help him but he shoved them of or bulled them.Then one day he ran away and never really had any human contact.
Personality:Evil, cold hearted, You could say he's a murderer.For he kills anyone whom gets in his way.
True Form: (An animal)vero(a creature by me)Pretty much looks like a black cloud of hits in the shape of a human.
Picture/Description:No one knows.Anymore, at least.
"You sure? Where?" She grinned,"You get to pick this time. But pick quick! I've gotta know what to wear and I refuse to wear this outside of the house." She pointed down to her ratty t-shirt and sweatpants,"And I gotta get ready... Can you dispose of the dead body?" She gestured ruefully towards the pizza.

"Oh, but that's my favorite outfit?!" Nashton called after Taylor longingly, as she left to get ready. Nashton made a face as he sipped the pizza back in the box and folded it to fit it into the trash can. "At least I won't be arrested for disposing of your foul carcass." He muttered before leaving the kitchen. "I'm thinking Chinese!" He called out to her.
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"That's what you say about all of my outfits!" She shouted back to him while she got changed. "And Chinese sounds great! I'm starving." She stared at herself in the mirror and gave a small nod. She had traded out her sweatpants for jeans and her t-shirt for a slightly less embarrassing t-shirt. She was a sucker for comfy clothes. She walked back into the kitchen,"Ahh the foul deed has been done. Good job."
"That's what you say about all of my outfits!" She shouted back to him while she got changed. "And Chinese sounds great! I'm starving." She stared at herself in the mirror and gave a small nod. She had traded out her sweatpants for jeans and her t-shirt for a slightly less embarrassing t-shirt. She was a sucker for comfy clothes. She walked back into the kitchen,"Ahh the foul deed has been done. Good job."

"That's me, I'm good for cleaning up your messes." Nashton stated teasingly, as he came over to kiss her briefly, before heading to the front door. "You look wonderful in that color, by the way. Now let's go, before I die of hunger." He added dramatically.
"Hey. That's what boyfriends are for." She gave him a peck on the cheek,"Mhf. We don't want that to happen, now do we?" She grinned teasingly,"You can die after you pay for your meal. That way I get twice as much food!" She looped her arm in his,"We taking the car..? Or walking?"

"Ummm, walking since it's just down the street. I thought it was just male lions who were lazy?" Nashton said mischievously as they headed to the elevator. He loved to get a rise out of Taylor. He grinned at her expectantly.
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