High School for the irregular: Arwen High~ RP~ Players needed! See Staff Notes in the "Rules"

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Name: Andre Lucscor
Gender: Male
Race: Dryas
Crush: Impress him
Student or Teacher: Student
Personality: Usually kind and courteous, but at times he can withdraw into himself and be reclusive and secretive

Username: Mantha8225
Other: Harry Potter and the CoS
Name: Holly Short
Gender: Female
Race: Pumilo
Crush: ...boys?(there aren't even any boys to crush on!!!!)
Student or Teacher:
Personality: Shy, kind, and reserved, but once she gets to know you, she starts to show her real, kind of crazy self!
Pic/Appearance: She definitely lives up to her last name

Username: Mantha8225
Other: Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special (yes it's technically a movie!!)

Name: Jonathan Bussler
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Crush: Uh, no...
Student or Teacher: Teacher
History: He fully supported the idea of Arwen High, and thus became one of their teachers, although he was a human and not one of the new races. He's been a teacher for about fifteen years, now.
Personality: Kind and accepting, and loves his job. He's always treated his students as equals.

Username: Mantha8225
Other: HTTYD2
(both accepted)
Name: Kyra Jennings (Ky)
Age: 17
Race: Ostensor Vitae (i'm coming up for a shorter name for it....)
Crush: Noooo, just no.
Student or Teacher: student!
History(optional): She's been at da school for a long time and is best friends with Tessa. She met her at age 8 while living next to her when they both had foster families, but she moved when she was 9 . Tessa has been brutally putting up with her ever since she came to the school after her, and teaching Ky how to draw abstract. She loves to read, mostly fantasy. Doesn't really remember anything before she was 8.
Personality: Nice, outgoing, loves attention within her group of friends, her laugh always differs, meaning it could be high pitched, loud, quiet, silent, cause her shoulders to shake, or booming. It just depends... Scared easily, very fragile in a way, meaning she can't take a good high five.
Pic/Appearance: Light brown hair with some dark brown streaks, hazel eyes, 5'9", bad posture, broad shoulders, really fast physically. has a type of neon purple colored skin.....haha!

Username: Kyda13
Other: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.
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